










1. Xiao-Liang Shen, Han-Qing Dai, Liao-Lin Zhang, Yue Wang, Qi-Feng Zhu, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei-Nan Li, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Fabrication of planar optical waveguides by 6.0 MeV silicon ion implantation in Nd-doped phosphate glasses,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 042204 (2018).

2. Qi-Feng Zhu, Yue Wang, Jian-Ping Shen, Hai-Tao Guo, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Guiding properties in proton-implanted Nd3+-doped phosphate glass waveguides, Chinese Physics B27(5) (2018).

3. Xiao-Liang Shen, Qi-Feng Zhu, Rui-Lin Zheng, Peng Lv, Hai-Tao Guo, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Near-infrared optical properties of Yb3+-doped silicate glass waveguides prepared by double-energy proton implantation, Results in Physics 8, 352-356 (2018).

4. Yue Wang, Xiao-Liang Shen, Rui-Lin Zheng, Hai-Tao Guo,Peng Lv, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Optical planar waveguides in photo-thermal-refractive glasses fabricated by single-energy or double-energy carbon ion implantation, Optical Engineering 57(1), 017103 (2018).

5. Qi-Feng Zhu, Xiao-Liang Shen, Rui-Lin Zheng, Peng Lv, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei-Nan Li, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Waveguiding structures in Yb3+-doped phosphate glasses by double-energy proton and single-energy carbon-ion implantations, Materials Research Express 5(1), 016404 (2018).

6. Yue Wang, Xiao-Liang Shen, Rui-Lin Zheng, Hai-Tao Guo, Peng Lv, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Optical planar waveguides by carbon ion implantation in terbium gallium garnet, Journal of the Korean Physical Society (2018).

7. Xiao-Liang Shen, Yue Wang, Qi-Feng Zhu, Peng Lv, Wei-Nan Li, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Optical waveguides in fluoride lead silicate glasses fabricated by carbon ion implantation, Optoelectronics Letters 14(2), 104-108 (2018).

8. Xiao-Liang Shen, Yue Wang, Hai-Tao Guo, and Chun-Xiao Liu*, Near-infrared carbon-implanted Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass waveguides, Frontiers of Optoelectronics (2018).

9. Chun-Xiao Liu, Xiao-Liang Shen, Rui-Lin Zheng, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei-Nan Li,and Wei Wei, Visible and near-infrared waveguides formed by double-energy proton implantation in magneto-optical glasses, Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics 123, 56 (2017).

10. Chun-Xiao Liu, Xiao-Liang Shen, Wei-Nan Li,and Wei Wei, Visible and near-infrared optical properties of Nd:CLNGGcrystal waveguides formed by proton implantation, Chinese Physics B26, 034207 (2017).

11. Chun-Xiao Liu, Xiao-Liang Shen, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Proton-implanted optical waveguides fabricated in Er3+-doped phosphate glasses, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 131, 132-137 (2017).

12. Chun-Xiao Liu, Yu-Wen Li, Rui-Lin Zheng,Li-Li Fu, Liao-Lin Zhang, Hai-Tao Guo, Zhi-Guang Zhou, Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Optical waveguides in magneto-optical glasses fabricated by proton implantation, Optics and Laser Technology 85, 55-59 (2016).

13. Chun-Xiao Liu, Li-Li Fu, Liao-Lin Zhang, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Carbon-implanted monomode waveguides in magneto-optical glasses for waveguide isolators, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing122, 94 (2016).

14. Chun-Xiao Liu, Li-Li Fu, Rui-Lin Zheng, Hai-Tao Guo, Zhi-Guang Zhou, Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Optical waveguides fabricated by nitrogen ion implantation in fused silica, Optical Engineering55, 027105 (2016).

15. Chun-Xiao Liu, Li-Li Fu, Liang-Liang Cheng, Xu-Feng Zhu, She-Bao Lin, Rui-Lin Zheng, Zhi-Guang Zhou, Hai-Tao Guo,Wei-Nan Li, and Wei Wei, Optimization effect of annealing treatment on oxygen-implanted Nd:CNGG waveguides, Modern Physics Letters B 30, 1650261 (2016).

16. Chun-Xiao Liu, Li-Li Fu, Xu-Feng Zhu, Hai-Tao Guo,Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Optical waveguides in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped silicate glasses fabricated by proton implantation, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 072601 (2016).

17. Chun-Xiao Liu, Li-Li Fu, Xu-Feng Zhu, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Optical properties ofK9 glasswaveguidesfabricated by carbon-ion implantation, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 69, 169-173 (2016).

18. Chun-Xiao Liu, Meng Chen, Li-Li Fu, Rui-Lin Zheng, Hai-TaoGuo, Zhi-Guang Zhou, Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Planar waveguides in neodymium-doped calcium niobium gallium garnet crystals produced by proton implantation, Chinese Physics B25(4), 044211 (2016).

19. Chun-Xiao Liu, Zhe-Yuan Luo, Yu-Wen Li, Meng Chen, Jun-Xu, Li-Li Fu, Ke-Han Yu, Rui-Lin Zheng, Zhi-Guang Zhou, Wei-Nan Li, Hai-Tao Guo, She-Bao Lin,and Wei Wei, Active waveguides by low-fluence carbon implantation in Nd3+-doped fluorophosphate glasses,Modern Physics Letters B 30, 1550226 (2016).

20. Chun-Xiao Liu, Jun Xu, Li-Li Fu, Rui-Lin Zheng, Zhi-Guang Zhou, Wei-Nan Li, Hai-Tao Guo, She-Bao Lin, and Wei Wei, Fabrication and characterization of carbon/oxygen-implanted waveguides in Nd3+-doped phosphate glasses, Optical Engineering 54(6), 067106 (2015).

21. Chun-Xiao Liu, JunXu, Zhi-Guang Zhou, Li-Li Fu, Rui-Lin Zheng, Wei-Nan Li, Hai-Tao Guo, She-Bao Lin,and Wei Wei, Planar waveguides in Yb3+-doped tellurite glasses fabricated by ion implantation of oxygen, Modern Physics Letters B 29, 1550021 (2015).

22. Chun-Xiao Liu, Jun-Xu, Xiao-Li Xu, Shu Wu, Wei Wei,Hai-Tao Guo, Wei-Nan Li, and Bo Peng, Oxygen- implanted optical planar waveguides in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped silicate glasses for integrated laser generation, Optical Engineering 53(3), 037101 (2014).

23. Chun-Xiao Liu, Jun Xu, Wei-Nan Li,Xiao-Li Xu, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei Wei, Gen-Gen Wu, Yue Hu, and Bo Peng, Fabrication and annealing optimization of oxygen-implanted Yb3+-doped phosphate glasses planar waveguides, Optics and Laser Technology63, 45-49 (2014).

24. Chun-Xiao Liu, Shu Cheng, Jin-Hua Zhao, Wei-Nan Li, Wei Wei, and Bo Peng, Monomode optical planar and channel waveguides in Yb3+- doped silicate glasses formed by helium ion implantation, Optics and Laser Technology 52, 10-14 (2013).

25. Chun-Xiao Liu, Bo Peng, Wei Wei, Shu Cheng, Wei-Nan Li, Hai-Tao Guo, and Yuan Shen, Low-dosecarbon-implanted planar waveguides in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped silicate glasses, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 295, 85-88 (2013).

26. Chun-Xiao Liu, Shu Cheng, Hai-Tao Guo, Wei Wei, and Bo Peng, Optical properties of Yb3+-doped silicate glasses waveguides formed by low-dose oxygen ion implantation and effects of annealing, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics124, 1783-1786 (2013).

27. Chun-Xiao Liu, Bo Peng, Wei Wei, Wei-Nan Li,and Hai-Tao Guo, Ion-implanted glass waveguides: a review, Physics International 4, 1-12 (2013).

28. Chun-Xiao Liu, Wei-Nan Li, Xiu-Hong Liu, Wei Wei, and Bo Peng, Proton-implanted optical planar waveguides in Yb3+-doped silicate glasses, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B289, 18-21 (2012).

29. Chun-Xiao Liu, Shu Cheng,Wei-Nan Li, Wei Wei, and Bo Peng, Monomode optical waveguides in Yb3+-doped silicate glasses produced by low-dose carbon ion implantation, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics51, 052601 (2012).

30. Chun-Xiao Liu, Wei-Nan Li, Wei Wei, and Bo Peng, Optical planar waveguides in Yb3+-doped phosphate glasses produced by He+ ion implantation, Chinese Physics B 21, 074211 (2012).

31. Chun-Xiao Liu, Tao Liu, Xiu-Hong Liu, Wei Wei, and Bo Peng, Helium-implanted optical planar waveguides in Nd3+-doped phosphate glasses, Chinese Physics Letters 28, 114205 (2011).

32. Chun-Xiao Liu, Jin-Hua Zhao, Huai-Jin Zhang, and Xue-Lin Wang,Property studies of optical waveguide formed by keV He-ion implanted into a Nd:CNGG Crystal, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 55, 2638-2641 (2009).


目前担任Laser and Particle BeamsJournal of Materials Science: Materials in ElectronicsOptics CommunicationsOptical Engineering, OptikMeasurement and Control等国际学术期刊审稿人。
